Appreciative Inquiry is showcased as the "Featured Tool" in this edition of I2S News. You may access the article here: Dialogue: Appreciative Inquiry. You may also access the entire publication... read more →
This post was written for “newbies,” those of you who are just discovering the power of Appreciative Inquiry as a strengths-based, transformational, positive change methodology. The post was recently updated... read more →
The positive words dictionary was created to spread positivity in word form. It is a resource for numerous purposes including positive parenting. Many parents find it hard to think of... read more →
This ten-part A Deacon’s Musing series will explore the intersection between the change philosophy known as Appreciative Inquiry and a Christian theological orientation grounded in diversity. I am most grateful... read more →
This is the entire collection of blogs that explore the intersection between Appreciative Inquiry and an Emergent Canadian Christian perspective.
This is the Blog of Pinyo Rattanaphan (PhD.), President and Founder of Thailand Appreciative Inquiry Network. It is in Thai Language. Blog's name is "Appreciative Inquiry." The Blog is used... read more →
There’s a lot of interest in Appreciative Inquiry. Appreciative Inquiry (AI) was designed by David Cooperrider as a strategic planning tool and its applications in an educational setting are creating... read more →
How might a strength-based approach to civic participation empower the often un-heard voices of refugees while building understanding across traditional cultural barriers in diverse urban neighborhoods? Built on experience working... read more →
Jindra Cekan, PhD used Appreciative Inquiry for a World Vision US strategic planning process. Appreciative Inquiry was used in four ways in conducting this planning; in framing questions, in ensuring... read more →