Agger-Gupta, N., & Perodeau, A. (2017). Chapter 11: Appreciative inquiry in RRU mid-career student life. In D. Hamilton, P. Márquez, N. Agger-Gupta, S. Grundy, G. Veletsianos, & V. Forssmann, (Eds.),... read more →
Appreciative Inquiry (AI) begins an adventure. The urge and call to adventure has been sounded by many people and many organizations, and it will take many more to fully explore... read more →
Positive Organization Development: Innovation-inspired Change in an Economy and Ecology of Strengths
From: The Oxford Handbook of Positive Organizational Scholarship This chapter presents a framework for innovation-inspired positive organization development (IPOD); IPOD is presented as both a radical break from the problem solving... read more →
Abstract This chapter proposes that in today's world of high uncertainty and broad cultural and epistemological variety the purpose of social and organizational inquiry ought to be to create textured... read more →