Research and practice have shown that Appreciative Inquiry (AI)—a strengths-based, dialogic intervention—provides organizations a valuable methodology to advance organizational change initiatives. This dissertation explores the role that Appreciative Inquiry plays... read more →
The purpose of this action research study was to understand the contribution of an appreciative inquiry (AI) intervention to a church ministry. Twenty-three ministry stakeholders participated in a 9-hour, 2-day... read more →
Master of Applied Health Service Research Thesis, University of New Brunswick, CANADA ABSTRACT This study explores the question “What factors contribute to successful self-management of chronic disease/diabetes from the patients’... read more →
The purpose of this action research study was to understand the contribution of an appreciative inquiry (AI) intervention to a church ministry. Twenty-three ministry stakeholders participated in a 9-hour, 2-day... read more →
Abstract: Appreciative Inquiry (AI) introduces a new approach to educational change. Most state and federal initiatives for educational change grow out of a deficit model of what is wrong with... read more →
In this dissertation I explore the hypothesis that appreciative inquiry (AI) used in conjunction with a multimedia extended language methodology is better able to foster self-efficacy, empowerment and hope in... read more →
This paper is based upon the dissertation of Monty Miller