Think back to the last conversation can you remember, what that was like? It may have been minutes ago, hours ago or days ago. And how did it make you... read more →
A conversation that will awaken your heart and mind and have you wanting to adopt practices to build your resilience. Building resilience increases the ability to weather storms and come... read more →
A conversation between Tim Slack of Appreciating People, based in Liverpool in the UK and Robyn Stratton-Berkessel, host of Podcast, Positivity Strategist. Our conversation focuses on two topics: appreciative journaling... read more →
A roundtable discussion on the topic of Appreciative inquiry (AI) - a complement to Iriss' evidence summary: Insight 33 - Forming new futures through appreciative inquiry
This podcast was produced by the Inquiry Institute as part of their "Education focused inquiring mindset series" Dr. Marilee Adams interviews Marge Schiller and Joyce Lemke on the importance of... read more →
A Podcast with Robyn Strattton-Berkessel Episode Introduction Tom Myers is an entrepreneurial, Associate Professor at the Robert P. Stiller School of Business at Champlain College in Burlington, Vermont. He’s in... read more →
Ron Friedman Ph.D. shares research from his latest book The Best Place to Work, about the art and science of creating an extraordinary workplace. Ron discusses how businesses can appeal to... read more →