This is a paper on the valuation exercise done on impact of AI based interventions among maternity homes in the city of Mumbai, India
Appreciative Inquiry at Work Is its effectiveness dependent on organisational context? What factors contribute to its effectiveness? Which organisations might benefit from using the Appreciative Inquiry approach? What might organisations... read more →
Having witnessed families in crisis and the emotional damage inflicted on the individual members of these families, I went on an exploration to find a successful intervention to help these... read more →
"Using Appreciative Inquiry with teams creates a climate that sustains synergy and collaboration. The principles and steps of appreciative inquiry are presented and compared with traditional teambuilding initiatives. Shame and... read more →
The purpose of this study is to compare and contrast two qualitative, participative approaches to program evaluation: Appreciative Inquiry and Nominal Group Technique; in an effort to answer the following... read more →
Paper presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) National Conference. Denver, CO. Current models of instructional design are deficit based: the gap between current performance and desired... read more →
Due to changes which are occurring in the information technology sector, the way businesses are being carried out and also the development of the Internet. I have set out in... read more →