Reference: Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities & Social Sciences. Vol 58(1-A), Jul 1997, 0218.
In 1996, GTE, now Verizon, initiated grassroots changes with Appreciative Inquiry in order to move their company forward with the tech revolution. The story unfolds in the wonderful document at... read more →
Complex adaptive systems generate patterns of behavior over time. These patterns are called "strange attractors." Appreciative Inquiry is one way to shift these patterns toward more productive and life-giving attractors.
Many if not most, participants report that AI interviews are energizing and exciting. These interviews have the capability to create connection, relationship and common ground where none (or little) existed... read more →
This is the introductory chapter of the book that explores the potential of cooperation as a practice, an organizing accomplishment, and as a value for understanding issues of global change.... read more →
This chapter illustrates how appreciative inquiry can be used as a positive mode of action research to dislodge reified vocabularies of human deficit and liberate the socially constructive potential of... read more →
The Ombudsman approach was based on the belief that young people in foster care have the most to teach adults about what in the system is working well and matters most to... read more →
What is the role of spiritual experience in human science research? What is the relationship between experiencing a sense of the sacred, and our capacity to inquire, to ask questions,... read more →