I’m a 20 year retail veteran, and am currently the HR Manager for Bloomingdale’s in Palo Alto, CA. I’ve been learning about and using AI since 2016, and am always... read more →
A Certified OD Practitioner and an MBTI practitioner with an academic background of computer science and an MBA in HR and a Diploma in PM & IR. Overall 15 years... read more →
I am a visual practitioner (Graphic Recorder, Graphic Facilitator) with a special interest in Appreciative Inquiry. My portfolio of work is on view at www.DrawingImpact.com It is an honor to... read more →
Organizational psychologist, OD & Begaviiral Consultant living in London UK.
David L. Cooperrider, PhD, is a University Distinguished Professor and holds the Fairmount Santrol - David L. Cooperrider Professorship in Appreciative Inquiry at the Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western... read more →
Amanda Trosten-Bloom is a Principal with both the Rocky Mountain Center for Positive Change and Corporation for Positive Change, and a widely acclaimed consultant, master trainer, energizing speaker, and pioneer... read more →
Dr. Whitney is a positively powerful keynote speaker, whose messages of hope, positive change, and the call for appreciative leadership offer practical guidance for new ways of working, living and... read more →