Henrique Santos is a Brazilian/American Chemical Engineer specialized in strategic planning and new business development. He holds a M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering and an MBA in Policy/Finance from Case. He... read more →
Marge Schiller has taught or supervised Doctoral candidates at the Kennedy School of Government Harvard University, Boston University, Tilburg & Leyden Universities and University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Her passion is... read more →
Dr. Sekerka’s scholarship takes a uniquely proactive approach to applied ethics. Her interest in adult moral development stems from work in industry and academia, weaving practice and empirical research to... read more →
Tony has over 25 years of experience in organizational development, change leadership, and training design and delivery. His primary areas of focus include strength-based and high-engagement approaches to large-scale change/transformation,... read more →
En 25 años de experiencia profesional he asesorado a más de un centenar de organizaciones pertenecientes a una treintena de sectores de actividad diferentes. Mi experiencia se ha desarrollado tanto... read more →
Trained as an occupational psychologist and have used AI and positive psychology theory and practice for 15 years, in many settings and with people from many countries. The power of... read more →
Ada Jo Mann has 35+ years of experience collaborating with clients on strength-based approaches to strategic planning; organization assessment and design; whole system change; program development and evaluation; inter-organizational partnerships;... read more →
I am a consultant in collaborative management and organizational or community development. I use highly participative approaches (Appreciative Inquiry, Open Space Technology, Whole Person Process Facilitation, U Process) to help... read more →
Candy is a Certified Management Consultant specializing in Business Transformations & HR – OD Strategies. She earned her certification from the International Council of Management Consulting Institutes. Her core competencies... read more →
Maureen (Mo) is a dynamic and innovative facilitator, learning partner and coach. She has 20+ years of experience in organizational development, change leadership, community engagement, coaching, training design and delivery.... read more →