Jim Ludema and Amber Johnson, in their article published in Forbes, February 28, 2019, describe how the use of appreciative inquiry techniques can help leaders get more out of their... read more →
I am a 24 year Air Force Veteran with an under grad from Northeastern in Criminal Justice and Master in Human Services and Counseling from Capella University. Employed as a... read more →
The attached executive briefing provides an overview of an Appreciative Inquiry Summit and describes how AI practitioners use this whole-system method to lift up and bring about positive change in... read more →
Appreciative Inquiry is showcased as the "Featured Tool" in this edition of I2S News. You may access the article here: Dialogue: Appreciative Inquiry. You may also access the entire publication... read more →
The linked article and its included video have David Cooperrider describing real life examples of how Appreciative Inquiry (AI) can nurture entrepreneurship and create encouraging environments. He describes how AI... read more →
Mary Jane Dieter, the founder of Appreciative Pathways, guides organizations and communities to discover, analyze, and leverage their collective strengths to co-create their desired future. For the past nine years,... read more →
I have been an educator including an academic role working in education and research for the last 25 years. I have worked with many networks supporting them in their process... read more →
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Positive Change Organisational Development Consultant & Large Group Facilitator.
Pastor at Central Presbyterian Church and community development facilitator.