I am passionate by OD and Appreciative Inquiry that I started using AI about fifteen years ago, writing the first book in France on AI. I created the institute to... read more →
Co-funder of The French Institut for Appreciative Inquiry in Paris, I spend most of my time spreading appreciative messages in organizations that i work with. Hard work ! but it... read more →
I'm passionate about graphic facilitation...helping people SEE what they are saying by mirroring back their images and words!!
I'm appreciative inquiry coach and facilitator in Thailand.
Success of groups & teams - this is what's driving me - helping groups & teams succeed in what those are doing. When it happens, everyone's happier - both inside... read more →
I've been a nonprofit executive for 20 plus years. I focus on hunger relief and poverty alleviation causes. I've been a practitioner of AI since 2010, using the SOAR process... read more →
Organizational psychologist, OD & Begaviiral Consultant living in London UK.
Benefits Advocate and Employment Specialist
I am coming to AI with a background in clinical psychology and interest in helping organizations and communities discover sources of inspiration!