AI and Open Space were used to conceptualize a new way of approaching fundraising and going green. See attached document for full story.
This autobiographical essay deals with several main pursuits I've had over the course of my life, ranging from film and music to ecology and the system sciences, while also focusing... read more →
The story is about effectiveness of appreciative story telling in building self-relent community organization in community managed disaster risk Reduction project.
A summary of experiments with Appreciative Inquiry that utilise ideas and methods from a number of discipines, including Alternate Reality Games (ARGs). Based firmly on AI principles, the work moves... read more →
This is a facilitators guide about how to apply AI in Promotion of Local innovations towards climate change adaptation in agriculture. The Guide is developed though a Taos Associate Grant... read more →
Description The authors provide a concise introduction to and overview of the growing discipline and practice of Appreciative Inquiry (AI).
Participants in this 2007 AI conference workshop learned how to apply the AI principles to individual situations and relationships. A new and validated 3-step model was presented for applying AI... read more →
"21st Century Wisdom Tools that Broaden and Build" was the title of our 90 minute breakout session at the International “The Power of Positive Change Conference” in Orlando, Florida, September... read more →