The process of "appreciative inquiry" gives your company a boost by leveraging what you already do well. Read how the 4-D technique—discover, dream, design, and destiny—is working everywhere from a... read more →
Expertly co-written by David L. Cooperrider (Professor and Chairman of the Department of Organizational Behavior at the Weatherhead School of Management) and Diana Whitney (President of Corporation for Positive Change),... read more →
This article describes how the 'new sciences' (inter-disciplinary study of chaos and evolution theory, quantum physics and natural sciences) is providing insights into the functioning of living systems and how... read more →
This is an invitation to explore the concept of a Positive Life and Health Initiative at Case Western Reserve University. The conceptual principles are inspired by an appreciative inquiry into... read more →
Summit for the Animals is an organization of leaders of animal rights and animal protection organizations in the U.S. who gather annually for a 2-day networking and learning meeting. This... read more →
This analysis was constructed from interviews with 329 individuals, comprising all locations and all levels of personnel. The questions used in the interviews (which lasted from 1-2 hours each) were... read more →