Partnering with organizations to advance communities
Sue James is a highly experienced facilitator, speaker and storyteller, energised by people, the power of stories to lift and inspire the soul, Appreciative Inquiry, resilience and change. She works... read more →
Dawn Cooperrider Dole, MSOD, M.Ed., the Executive Director of the Taos Institute since 1994. TI is a global organization of with over 500 associates from over 50 countries, more than... read more →
ILSA H. DUVERNEY is Founder/ Chairman/CEO of Caribbean Centre for Organisation Development Excellence (CARI-CODE) and the Caribbean Organisation Development Network. Having founded, IN 1988, she started PRODUCTIVITY PLUS LTD She... read more →
Todd is a human capital strategist, human performance analyst, instructional designer and learning facilitator helping organizations maximize their greatest asset: their people. He has designed a variety of learning solutions... read more →
Carolyn leverages her evaluation, facilitation, and writing skills to advance innovations in programs and communities. She works collaboratively with clients through approaches such as Evaluation Learning Circles and Appreciative Inquiry... read more →
Founder and President of Imagine Chicago. I help people engage in a shared, inspiring conversation with the future and learn to think from the whole, developing partnerships across difference that... read more →
Kathy is the CEO and President of The Center for Appreciative Inquiry (CAI) / Company of Experts, Inc. and oversees this Small Woman Owned Business serving schools, colleges and universities,... read more →
Having worked with AI for more than 10 years, I apply AI as process facilitator, trainer and consultant. My clients are Directors, (HR-) Managers, Program-, Project Managers, and Policy Advisors,... read more →
This session is about discovering what works and gives life to the Church of the Epiphany. This session is where we share stories about what feeds and nurtures us as... read more →