Appreciating People has provided a number of free downloadable resources which are being constantly updated. Many of them are examples from their own work, and others are summaries and insights... read more →
This article is an in-depth exploration of how we can use appreciative inquiry tools and exercises for individual and organizational growth. 4 Appreciative Inquiry Tools, Exercises and Activities
Jim Ludema and Amber Johnson, in their article published in Forbes, February 28, 2019, describe how the use of appreciative inquiry techniques can help leaders get more out of their... read more →
I am an attorney that practices primarily in the areas of family and criminal law.
The attached executive briefing provides an overview of an Appreciative Inquiry Summit and describes how AI practitioners use this whole-system method to lift up and bring about positive change in... read more →
I am a 33+ year global communications professional now focusing on values-based leadership, organizational culture and coaching. I have founded ComMundi Group Inc. in Montreal, Canada to develop a global... read more →