From articles, to videos, to books, to workshop materials, there are many resources on Appreciative Inquiry to explore from around the globe. Search for a keyword or use the drop-down menus below to explore the various types of resources from around the world. Do you have something to share?
Imagine Nepal Initiative
Mac Odell
AI workshop in Ramallah
Peg Holman
AI: La Vision Mobilisatrice
Robert Collart
Monmouth County Arts Council Assessment
Debbie Morris
Imagine Boston Pilot Project
Muriel Finegold
Lani Peterson
Bea Holland
Gabriela Canepa
Huehuecoyotl Eco-village
Maggie Buxton
Ben Fuchs
Beatrice Briggs
Non-Profit Board Retreat
Bud Orr
Protocol for Work Redesign
Sandra Kolb
Naomi Johnson