From articles, to videos, to books, to workshop materials, there are many resources on Appreciative Inquiry to explore from around the globe. Search for a keyword or use the drop-down menus below to explore the various types of resources from around the world. Do you have something to share?
Workable strategy for UCB (University College Bangor)
Gillian Jordan
Gillian Jordan
Appreciative Inquiry in Nederland
jos zuijlen
jos zuijlen
Your Company’s Secret Change Agents
Jerry Sternin
Jerry Sternin
Unitary Appreciative Inquiry
Unpublished Paper
W. Cowling
W. Cowling
An Appreciative Approach to Reframing Conflict
Workshop Designs
Building a Positive, Creative Learning Environment
Case Study
Lisa Dinga
Lisa Dinga
Appreciative Instructional Design: A New Model
Unpublished Paper
Karen Norum
Karen Norum
Appreciative Inquiry: What is it and how can it be applied in MIS
Unpublished Paper
Andrew Greer
Andrew Greer