Are you curious as to how have others used AI and what have been the impacts? Read stories from AI practitioners about their work in the field. These are narratives are from a variety of fields describing the people, places and circumstances of transformative change using AI and related change methodologies. Do you have a story to share? We invite you to share it via our online submission page.
Breve Libro De La Indagacion Apreciativa
Community, For-profit Business (Corporate), NGO, Psychology/Therapy
Sue Hammond
Sue Hammond
Aspects of Positive Aging Explored
Community, Healthcare
Barbara Hanson
Barbara Hanson
Information Technology as a Marketing Tool
For-profit Business (Corporate)
Edward Pullicino
Edward Pullicino
An Invitation to Participate in an Appreciative Inquiry
Community, Non-profit Business
Chet Bowling
Chet Bowling
Case WSOM Positive Life & Health Initiative
Community, Environment, For-profit Business (Corporate), Healthcare, Psychology/Therapy
Monica Dumitriu
Monica Dumitriu
MetroHealth – AI Strategic Planning
Tony Silbert
Tony Silbert
Unleashing a Positive Revolution in Medicine: The Power of Appreciative Inquiry
Donna Stoneham
Donna Stoneham
Discursive Processes that Foster Dialogic Moments: Transformation in the Engagement of Social Identity Group Differences in Dialogue
Ilene Wasserman
Ilene Wasserman
Strategic Inquiry > Appreciative Intent: Inspiration to SOAR
For-profit Business (Corporate), Government, Non-profit Business
D. Kelley
D. Kelley