Profound Conversations, Inc.
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Fortune 500 companies, Non-profit Business, Small companies
AI Summits, Denmark, United Kingdom, United States, coaching, culture change, strategic planning, teambuilding

Neil’s 27 years of consulting experience spans six continents and businesses ranging from Cruise Lines, Architecture, R&D, and Oil and Gas Production, to Trading Compliance, Pharmaceuticals and Education. His work builds on a foundation of strengths and Appreciative Inquiry to engage entire organizations in fundamentally changing their conversations to bring about lasting change. Neil has an advanced degree in organization development from Pepperdine University where he served as adjunct faculty in the Graziadio School of Business and Management. He has published in the US and UK in The OD Practitioner, Managing Schools Today, and the AI Practitioner, and has presented his work at The Academy of Management and The International Conference on Appreciative Inquiry.
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