I have worked in higher education for almost 15 years, always in roles that are new to or culture changing within institutions. I have a passion for finding the positive... read more →
My passion is bringing Appreciative Inquiry to those who long for a simple and effective way to create amazing relationships, inspired teams, and organizations/communities that thrive. I am first and... read more →
I am passionate by OD and Appreciative Inquiry that I started using AI about fifteen years ago, writing the first book in France on AI. I created the institute to... read more →
Co-funder of The French Institut for Appreciative Inquiry in Paris, I spend most of my time spreading appreciative messages in organizations that i work with. Hard work ! but it... read more →
I am presently an Associate Professor of Fisheries, Department of Fisheries , Lagos State University. My research interest include Small scale fisheries, Fisheries Management, and Fisheries Economics. I am interested... read more →
I'm appreciative inquiry coach and facilitator in Thailand.
Currently I am the Chair of the Department of Rehabilitation Counseling at Virginia Commonwealth University. I provide education and training related to leadership development, wellbeing, including Appreciative Leadership. I consider... read more →
I am coming to AI with a background in clinical psychology and interest in helping organizations and communities discover sources of inspiration!
I am a family man with a beautiful wife of 36 years. I an seeking to integrate and synthesize cultural behaviors.
Tony Dovale, founder and CEO of Life Masters, is the Business Soul Surgeon, and the Bullet Proof GO Mindset Guy, that enables REAL Business Success with his FIERCE Focus and... read more →