David Cooperrider
David Cooperrider and Michelle MCQuaid
United Nations; Dairy Industry; National Grid; State of Massachussets; United Religions; Worcester Mass. city of Cleveland
world; whole cities; whole states; large companies
Community, For-profit Business (Corporate), Government, Non-profit Business
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The Positive Arc of Systemic Strengths explores the important question: when is it that human systems are most naturally at their best? By analyzing the performance and impacts of six case studies of the “whole system in the room” Appreciative Inquiry summit, this article provides a birds eye view of the opportunities, challenges, and exciting new vistas opening up in this, the collaborative age—a time where systemic action and macromanagement skill are the primary leverage points for game-changing innovation, scalable solutions, and industry leadership. While management innovation is rare, this article proposes that the tools are at hand for us to stand up, step up, and scale up as we build a world where businesses can excel, people can thrive, and nature can flourish.
What We Did
Major AI Summits
Impact on The Organization
Large impacts documented. 6 cases summarized.
Where do I get these six cases