This article examines the process of Appreciative Inquiry that you can follow in order to develop strategy, find the best solutions, ideas, and ways forward within your team or organization. A... read more →
This article is an in-depth exploration of how we can use appreciative inquiry tools and exercises for individual and organizational growth. 4 Appreciative Inquiry Tools, Exercises and Activities
Stan and The Four Fantastic Powers: The First Ever Appreciative Inquiry Book for Kids (June 2018) is the first children’s picture story book that translates the process of Appreciative Inquiry into a youth-friendly... read more →
Appreciative Inquiry is showcased as the "Featured Tool" in this edition of I2S News. You may access the article here: Dialogue: Appreciative Inquiry. You may also access the entire publication... read more →
Stan and The Four Fantastic Powers is the first Appreciative Inquiry children’s book. In this book readers will follow Stan on an adventure focused on strengths, imagination, teamwork, and goal... read more →
This presentation blends together Appreciative Inquiry and career development concepts into a two-session workshop on a Strengths-Based Approach to Career Development. The goal of the process is to create a... read more →
The Positive Arc of Systemic Strengths explores the important question: when is it that human systems are most naturally at their best? By analyzing the performance and impacts of six... read more →
The New York ATL group, a consortium of twenty+ executive and life coaches, desired to increase its leadership and presence. The workbook crafted for the Appreciative Inquiry, this resource provides... read more →