The purpose of this action research study was to understand the contribution of an appreciative inquiry (AI) intervention to a church ministry. Twenty-three ministry stakeholders participated in a 9-hour, 2-day... read more →
The purpose of this action research study was to understand the contribution of an appreciative inquiry (AI) intervention to a church ministry. Twenty-three ministry stakeholders participated in a 9-hour, 2-day... read more →
A roundtable discussion on the topic of Appreciative inquiry (AI) - a complement to Iriss' evidence summary: Insight 33 - Forming new futures through appreciative inquiry
"The Gift of New Eyes" was just published in the 2017 book series on Research in Organization Development and Change. Following the tradition of authors such as Carl Rogers who... read more →
Research in Organizational Change and Development, Vol.1, pages 129-169. 1987 Abstract: This chapter presents a conceptual refiguration of action-research based on a "sociorationalist" view of science. The position that is... read more →
Introduction Appreciative Inquiry (AI) begins an adventure. The urge and call to adventure has been sounded by many people and many organizations, and it will take many more to fully... read more →