Why do we need negative emotions to complement the positive ones? Read on to find out. What are Positive and Negative Emotions and Do We Need Both?
In this article, the Appreciative Inquiry (AI) approach to organizational development is applied to Inclusive communities on the premise that the art of positive inquiry evokes positive images, which leads... read more →
This post was written for “newbies,” those of you who are just discovering the power of Appreciative Inquiry as a strengths-based, transformational, positive change methodology. The post was recently updated... read more →
Diana Whitney and Amanda Trosten-Bloom on Appreciative Leadership: A Dialogue with the Authors.
Strength-Based Lean Six Sigma combines the energy and motivation released through a strengths-based approach such as AI with the focus on quality and efficiency generated by Lean Six Sigma. The... read more →
This article tells the story of a school for students from preschool through secondary school in a large urban district in California. Misunderstood by and at odds with district administration,... read more →