Tanya Albert Henry, in the February 28, 2019 edition of AMA Physician Health, reports how a family physician, Jason Everman, turned to appreciative inquiry to implement changes at his 11-provider Indianapolis... read more →
Appreciative Inquiry (AI), a positive and collaborate approach to organizational change, is taking hold in clinics, classrooms, and executive offices of leading healthcare organizations worldwide. Appreciative Inquiry in Healthcare: Positive... read more →
AI Practitioner Volume 12 Number 3 August 2010 ABSTRACT Internal auditing can contribute to letting people explore together, by letting them break away from the daily work routine. But the results are... read more →
We propose an alternative view of strategic planning – that its value is as much in the process of creating the plan as in the ultimate content. We suggest that... read more →
MetroHealth - AI Strategic Planning January - February 2003 -- Cleveland, OH The goal of this project was to facilitate a strategic planning process for the MetroHealth Department of Medicine,... read more →
This article describes some AI work that is underway with the American Medical Association in a number of leadership initiatives.
The University of Chicago Hospital has been experimenting with the power of the positive story and is finding wonderful results from continually sharing these stories. They have leveraged these stories--to... read more →