Description In helping establish a new field of study in the organizational sciences, POS, this book examines a variety of positive dynamics in businesses and organizations that give rise to... read more →
Expertly co-written by David L. Cooperrider (Professor and Chairman of the Department of Organizational Behavior at the Weatherhead School of Management) and Diana Whitney (President of Corporation for Positive Change),... read more →
This article calls for a radical break from ordinary change management methods, including benchmarking. The "tyranny of averages always conceals sparkling exceptions to the rule." Helpful chart contrasting traditional approaches... read more →
This is an invitation to explore the concept of a Positive Life and Health Initiative at Case Western Reserve University. The conceptual principles are inspired by an appreciative inquiry into... read more →
In 1996, GTE, now Verizon, initiated grassroots changes with Appreciative Inquiry in order to move their company forward with the tech revolution. The story unfolds in the wonderful document at... read more →
The Weatherhead School of Management Mission Statement was crafted in committee using Appreciative Inquiry techniques.
This chapter illustrates how appreciative inquiry can be used as a positive mode of action research to dislodge reified vocabularies of human deficit and liberate the socially constructive potential of... read more →
What is the role of spiritual experience in human science research? What is the relationship between experiencing a sense of the sacred, and our capacity to inquire, to ask questions,... read more →