"I would like to commend Appreciative Inquiry and to thank (David Cooperrider) for introducing it to the United Nations. Without this, it would have been very difficult, perhaps even impossible,... read more →
I believe in AI to the end. This work is not going to stop here…Appreciative Inquiry is a way to rediscover and tap into our core strengths and highest potentials.
Appreciate Inquiry has transformed our approach to sustainability – it is now being owned by the whole organization, and the AI summit was instrumental in achieving this.
The AI approach unleashes tremendous power, tremendous enthusiasm and collective capacity, and gets people fully engaged…the value of AI is that, in anything we do, there’s a positive foundation to... read more →
David Cooperrider's pioneering work on Appreciative Inquiry has already had a major impact in the business world, but I think it has the potential to become a guiding principle in... read more →
AI might well be the most original and fresh contribution to the field of organization development and learning in the last decade.
David Cooperrider’s invention of Appreciative Inquiry aligns seamlessly with the science of positive emotions and positive psychology and is an exemplary means to leverage the fruits of this science for... read more →
The growth and application of Appreciative Inquiry over the past two decades has been nothing short of phenomenal. It is arguably the most powerful process of positive change.
Appreciative Inquiry is the best large group method in the world today.
Appreciative Inquiry is revolutionizing the field of organization development and change.