Agger-Gupta, N., & Perodeau, A. (2017). Chapter 11: Appreciative inquiry in RRU mid-career student life. In D. Hamilton, P. Márquez, N. Agger-Gupta, S. Grundy, G. Veletsianos, & V. Forssmann, (Eds.),... read more →
Stan and The Four Fantastic Powers: The First Ever Appreciative Inquiry Book for Kids (June 2018) is the first children’s picture story book that translates the process of Appreciative Inquiry into a youth-friendly... read more →
The Essential Mary Parker Follett: Ideas We Need Today is a comprehensive selection of texts from early 20th-century intellectual pioneer Mary Parker Follett. Her ground-breaking ideas on leadership, diversity, mediation,... read more →
Appreciative Inquiry (AI), a positive and collaborate approach to organizational change, is taking hold in clinics, classrooms, and executive offices of leading healthcare organizations worldwide. Appreciative Inquiry in Healthcare: Positive... read more →
Stan and The Four Fantastic Powers is the first Appreciative Inquiry children’s book. In this book readers will follow Stan on an adventure focused on strengths, imagination, teamwork, and goal... read more →
As a leader, you have work that is complex, full of ups and downs. Your ability to be resilient—to pick yourself up after setbacks and keep on going no matter... read more →
At the Crossroads of Management, Psychology, and Philosophy, The Yin and Yang of Leadership offers a synthesis of leadership that can help any person and any group develop their own... read more →
Introduces the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that foster appreciative leadership in interprofessional teams. While primarily directed towards health care teams, this book is a valuable resource for any interdisciplinary team.... read more →
Strength-Based Lean Six Sigma combines the energy and motivation released through a strengths-based approach such as AI with the focus on quality and efficiency generated by Lean Six Sigma. The... read more →
Appreciative Inquiry (AI) begins an adventure. The urge and call to adventure has been sounded by many people and many organizations, and it will take many more to fully explore... read more →