ON-PROFIT OR SOCIAL PROFIT? DEADLINE OR BIRTHLINE? Appreciative Inquiry addresses a human art, involving conversational craftsmanship. It takes specific, carefully chosen words, questions, gestures and of course deep listening to... read more →
This book consists of 105 short interactive chapters which cover the material behind the extended AI action learning program as supplied by the Dutch AI Academy.
Description Positive Organizational Scholarship (POS) is an umbrella concept used to emphasize what elevates and what is inspiring to individuals and organizations by defining and improving on the challenging, broken,... read more →
Description What Duke Ellington and Miles Davis teach us about leadership How do you cope when faced with complexity and constant change at work? Here's what the world's best leaders... read more →
Description Based on a massive Gallup study of 2 million people, this book shows 1) individuals how to cultivate their own career strengths and strengths, 2) managers how to capitalize... read more →
Description Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is one of the most exciting and increasingly recognized concepts in facilitating organizational change. This book studies AI in depth, illustrating the method of asking particular... read more →
Description A practical resource for facilitators who want to introduce positive, strength-based perspectives into their work and trainings, this book provides an overview of Appreciative Inquiry's positive psychology and strength-based... read more →
Description SOAR is the acronym of a new strategic planning process that is based on discovering and multiplying what the organization does well. SOAR takes the Appreciative Inquiry philosophy and... read more →
This handbook on the power of positive questions has implications for every aspect of business--measurement systems, customer focus groups, quality management, team building, performance appraisal, surveys--indeed everywhere we ask questions... read more →
Description World renowned researcher Dr. Barbara Fredrickson gives you the lab-tested tools necessary to create a healthier, more vibrant, and flourishing life through a process she calls "the upward spiral."... read more →