Description National Bestseller The father of the new science of positive psychology and author of Authentic Happiness draws on more than twenty years of clinical research to demonstrate how optimism... read more →
Description Questions are at the core of how we listen, behave, think, and relate--as individuals and organizations. Virtually everything we think and do is generated by questions. Questions push us... read more →
Description Based on a national joy study, here is a workshop leader's 28-day blueprint to greater happiness broken down into three remarkable steps. Is it possible to study what creates... read more →
Positive Organization Development: Innovation-inspired Change in an Economy and Ecology of Strengths
From: The Oxford Handbook of Positive Organizational Scholarship This chapter presents a framework for innovation-inspired positive organization development (IPOD); IPOD is presented as both a radical break from the problem solving... read more →
Positive psychology has attracted interest from a variety of fields, including business, public health, religion, and education. Given the shared interest between higher education and positive psychology in developing healthy... read more →
The Thin Thin Book of® Appreciative Inquiry is the introduction to the exciting organizational change philosophy called Appreciative Inquiry. Appreciative Inquiry is a way of thinking, seeing and acting for... read more →
This volume aims to push the frontiers and solicit new tools and insights for expanding the state-of-the-art applications of Appreciative Inquiry. It revolves around three fundamental aspects of organizational generativity,... read more →
Memories, Hopes, and Conversations is a powerful resource that introduces readers to Appreciative Inquirya transformational organizational change process that focuses on the strengths of a group. The second edition has been... read more →
Written by the originators and leaders of the Appreciative Inquiry (AI) movement itself, this short, practical guide offers an approach to organizational change based on the possibility of a more... read more →
Appreciative Leadership shows you how to fully engage your team through positive inquiry and open dialogue--so that everyone feels included and valued, inspired and motivated . . . and ready... read more →