Appreciative Inquiry in the Catholic Church Decision-making in Catholic organizations doesn’t always come from the top down. Hoping to be more effective in their mission and to enhance positive energy,... read more →
Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is one of the most exciting and increasingly recognized concepts being used to facilitate organizational change. This book studies AI in depth, illustrating the method of asking... read more →
Description A national bestseller, Authentic Happiness launched the revolutionary new science of Positive Psychology--and sparked a coast-to-coast debate on the nature of real happiness. According to esteemed psychologist and bestselling... read more →
This book is intended as a source book for students, as a way of introducing them to and assisting in their shared - our shared - mission for the creation... read more →
Description The authors provide a concise introduction to and overview of the growing discipline and practice of Appreciative Inquiry (AI).
The Appreciative Way is Rob and Kim Voyle's synthesis of Appreciative Inquiry, the work of Milton Erickson and his diverse group of students and spirituality as exemplified in the contemplative... read more →
Description ""This book is full of provocative and positive questions that will develop and enhance your team's performance, yielding faster and better results." "--Julie Meiresonne Director, Customer Relations Hunter Douglas... read more →