This booklet gives an overview of Appreciative Inquiry, a change strategy which supports full-voiced appreciative participation in order to tap an organization’s positive change core and inspire collaborative action that... read more →
The key finding from twenty years of research is that decisions fail half of the time. There are problems with traditional decision making processes. Appreciative Inquiry is a process that... read more →
The Extraordinary Leader is a research-based book about leadership. It analyzes 200,000 assessments from 20,000 managers and presents new insights that demystify this complex subject. It clearly establishes the importance... read more →
Lessons From the Field: Applying Appreciative Inquiry, the first fieldbook of case studies on AI is available for shipping! This book was out of print for about a year but... read more →
Research in Organizational Change and Development, Vol.1, pages 129-169. 1987 Abstract: This chapter presents a conceptual refiguration of action-research based on a "sociorationalist" view of science. The position that is... read more →
Facilitating Organization Change: Lessons from Complexity Science Author: G Eoyang , E Olson Publisher: Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer San Francisco, CA Copyright 2001 Description: Looking for a highly effective alternative to traditional change models?... read more →
Abstract This article proposes that one way to help a group liberate itself from dysfunctional conflict and defensive routine is through the introduction of generative metaphor. By intervening as a... read more →