Former Teacher Teachers' Trainner/Facilitator Practicing AI since 2005 Executive Member, Imagine Nepal.
Former Teacher Teachers' Trainner/Facilitator Practicing AI since 2005 Executive Member, Imagine Nepal.
Interested mostly in empirical research
A professional leader in higher education
I have been involved with Appreciative Inquiry - (Research, organizational change practice, professional development, social change globally and locally) from 1987- present (33 years). Working on the long terms projects... read more →
I serve as the Director of a public school district's preschool program. I have been in this role for 5 years and have been in early childhood education for 21... read more →
Don Waisanen is a Professor in the Baruch College, CUNY Marxe School of Public and International Affairs, where he teaches courses and workshops in public communication—including executive speech training, communication... read more →
I am an Alutiiq from an island in Alaska called, Kodiak. Along my personal health journey I have experienced many changes that have ultimately led me on a path to... read more →
Agger-Gupta, N., & Perodeau, A. (2017). Chapter 11: Appreciative inquiry in RRU mid-career student life. In D. Hamilton, P. Márquez, N. Agger-Gupta, S. Grundy, G. Veletsianos, & V. Forssmann, (Eds.),... read more →
Recent graduate of Western Michigan University with a Master of Arts degree in Organizational Change Leadership. I am currently working in higher education and seeking employment in the field of... read more →