I am a passionate leader devoted to providing every child with an awesome school. As a retired administrator and now consultant, I am committed to spreading the message of leadership... read more →
I am central executive member of Imagine Nepal, an organization of AI Practitioners in Nepal. I had got opportunities to attend a summit facilitated by David Cooperrider and friends in... read more →
This study of the use of appreciative inquiry summits at 8 different sites in a metropolitan school district in Canada. While the same facilitator used the same processes at all... read more →
English teacher since 2000; educational consultant, curriculum developer, workshop facilitator, parent coach, author, poet, performer...
I have been an educator including an academic role working in education and research for the last 25 years. I have worked with many networks supporting them in their process... read more →
Stan and The Four Fantastic Powers is the first Appreciative Inquiry children’s book. In this book readers will follow Stan on an adventure focused on strengths, imagination, teamwork, and goal... read more →
A conversation between Tim Slack of Appreciating People, based in Liverpool in the UK and Robyn Stratton-Berkessel, host of Podcast, Positivity Strategist. Our conversation focuses on two topics: appreciative journaling... read more →
I am doing the course on 'Changemakers' with Coursera and that is where I learnt about Appreciative Inquiry . I am the Community Coordinator at a school in New Delhi,... read more →
Author, Instructional & Assessment Facilitator, Teacher-Librarian Specialist; Additional Qualifications Instructor and Developer, MA Student
This presentation blends together Appreciative Inquiry and career development concepts into a two-session workshop on a Strengths-Based Approach to Career Development. The goal of the process is to create a... read more →