Ms. Lustig is an experienced strategic foresight and change consultant with a background in organisation development and change management, who has delivered major change management and capacity building programmes within... read more →
Geof Cox is an international organisation change and management development consultant with over 30 years experience, most as the principal of his own consulting firm. Geof has direct experience of... read more →
Dawn Cooperrider Dole, MSOD, M.Ed., the Executive Director of the Taos Institute since 1994. TI is a global organization of with over 500 associates from over 50 countries, more than... read more →
ILSA H. DUVERNEY is Founder/ Chairman/CEO of Caribbean Centre for Organisation Development Excellence (CARI-CODE) and the Caribbean Organisation Development Network. Having founded, IN 1988, she started PRODUCTIVITY PLUS LTD She... read more →
Appreciative Inquiry inspires me. Participated in the College of Experts course last September. I have seen minds swing 180 degrees using an AI approach - brilliant!!
Jane is one of Canada’s most trusted advisers on leadership and ethics, dedicated to serving not-for-profits and government agencies since 1992. In addition to taking on Interim Executive roles, she... read more →
Twenty five years of experience in guiding and facilitating midsized and large organizations in their sustainable development into flourishing. Focus on the organization as emerging complex of people relations. Enabling... read more →
Core Faculty with RRU’s School of Leadership Studies, Dr. Niels Agger-Gupta teaches organizational change using appreciative inquiry, program evaluation and cultural and linguistic competency in health care. He has supervised... read more →
Having worked with AI for more than 10 years, I apply AI as process facilitator, trainer and consultant. My clients are Directors, (HR-) Managers, Program-, Project Managers, and Policy Advisors,... read more →
I am a business consultant specializing in workplace change and leadership coaching, and am known as results-focused executive advisor and dynamic systems thinker. I bring extensive experience working with senior... read more →