Description Appreciative Inquiry--a book in The Practicing Organization Development Series--is for leaders and organizational consultants who are ready to abandon the familiar tyranny of complex change programs. Recognizing that human... read more →
This autobiographical essay deals with several main pursuits I've had over the course of my life, ranging from film and music to ecology and the system sciences, while also focusing... read more →
This is a story of a local authority with a strong transformation effort adopting appreciative inquiry as a means of adding pace and engagement to its effort. The story continues... read more →
A group of five local governmental employees were experiencing challenges in working together as a team. These challenges revolved around their cultural differences, ineffective communication, lack of individual leadership skills,... read more →
Achievement: By focusing on enabling real leadership as part of an Appreciative Inquiry process we achieved one of the Government of Aruba’s key aspirations: to have a sustainable planning system... read more →
Annotation: For over two years, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services sponsored three pilot projects using AI to help managers and employees redesign work in order to enhance... read more →
Attached is an a outbrief (PPT) that details our 2-day summit on improving Customer Service in the Navy. It highlights our process, as well as what we found.
The traditional concept of quality management has the odor of control. Therefore people experience quality management project as threatening and as least as an extra burden. It is often hard... read more →