Diana Arsenian served as our graphic facilitator in Nepal. The charts she made capture the story of our experience in Kathmandu and are a beautiful reminder of our conversations and... read more →
On June 24, 2004, Secretary-General Kofi Annan convened the Global Compact Leaders Summit at the UN Headquarters in New York. The design of the Summit was unique in that it... read more →
Description The authors provide a concise introduction to and overview of the growing discipline and practice of Appreciative Inquiry (AI).
Appreciative Inquiry at Work Is its effectiveness dependent on organisational context? What factors contribute to its effectiveness? Which organisations might benefit from using the Appreciative Inquiry approach? What might organisations... read more →
"21st Century Wisdom Tools that Broaden and Build" was the title of our 90 minute breakout session at the International “The Power of Positive Change Conference” in Orlando, Florida, September... read more →
A more affirming career development process can be achieved by combining life-planning concepts with the Appreciative Inquiry process. Using this approach, career development processes emerge as Appreciating, Envisioning, Co-constructing, and... read more →
This issue of the AI Practitioner focuses on the Appreciative Space of Open Space technology. The authors share stories and experiences of bringing AI to Open Space.