We propose an alternative view of strategic planning – that its value is as much in the process of creating the plan as in the ultimate content. We suggest that... read more →
The process of "appreciative inquiry" gives your company a boost by leveraging what you already do well. Read how the 4-D technique—discover, dream, design, and destiny—is working everywhere from a... read more →
Expertly co-written by David L. Cooperrider (Professor and Chairman of the Department of Organizational Behavior at the Weatherhead School of Management) and Diana Whitney (President of Corporation for Positive Change),... read more →
The authors, Stavros, Cooperrider & Kelley, highlight an appreciative-based approach to strategic planning. This approach, SOAR (strengths, opportunities, aspirations, results), guides an organization through planning in a manner that is... read more →
Download Interview Guide here: hro-summit-interview-guide
The key finding from twenty years of research is that decisions fail half of the time. There are problems with traditional decision making processes. Appreciative Inquiry is a process that... read more →
This analysis was constructed from interviews with 329 individuals, comprising all locations and all levels of personnel. The questions used in the interviews (which lasted from 1-2 hours each) were... read more →
A provocative proposition is a statement that bridges the best of "what is" with your own speculation or intuition of "what might be". It is provocative to the extent to... read more →