30 years experience in strategic thinking and planning, leadership and team development, and building enduring high performance cultures.
Dr. Deat LaCour is an Industrial /Organizational Psychologist, Positive Psychology researcher, and practitioner. His teams have successfully advanced Appreciative Inquiry, Positive Deviance and Positive Organizational Scholarship with Multinational non-profit organizations.... read more →
Dr. Don Schutt, NCC, LPC, BCC is currently Senior Director Emeritus and served most recently as the Senior Director of Talent Management (formerly the Director of Human Resource Development) in... read more →
This presentation blends together Appreciative Inquiry and career development concepts into a two-session workshop on a Strengths-Based Approach to Career Development. The goal of the process is to create a... read more →
A Certified OD Practitioner and an MBTI practitioner with an academic background of computer science and an MBA in HR and a Diploma in PM & IR. Overall 15 years... read more →
Dr. LaCour is Industrial-Organizational Psychologist and faculty member of the Graduate program for Masters in Organizational Development at American University in Washington, D.C. He also holds an appointment as an... read more →
I have been using AI with clients since 2010 after becoming a certified facilitator in June of 2010. I have facilitated sessions with large groups and have also delivered AI... read more →
I am a visual practitioner (Graphic Recorder, Graphic Facilitator) with a special interest in Appreciative Inquiry. My portfolio of work is on view at www.DrawingImpact.com It is an honor to... read more →
Left-brained engineer in search of a better way.
Certified Ontological Coach by The Newfield Network, Chile. Certified Life Coach by the Institute for the Practice of the Ontology, Italy. Associate Certified Coach (ACCTM) member of the International Coach... read more →