Dr. Whitney is a positively powerful keynote speaker, whose messages of hope, positive change, and the call for appreciative leadership offer practical guidance for new ways of working, living and... read more →
I am an organisational transformation professional helping individuals, groups and organisations ‘get in gear’ (or shift to a higher gear...) for change and positive outcomes. I do this through flexible... read more →
Julie Barnes works as a facilitator, consultant, personal counsellor/supervisor and 1:1 developer using person centred and whole person principles, and Appreciative Inquiry. Freelance since 2002, she works with individuals and... read more →
Over the last 15 years, in my work as a consultant and trainer (public, private and non- governmental), I have supported customers with strategic planning, leadership development, team building and... read more →
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7dFDHzV36g Barbara Fredrickson discusses how positive emotions broaden our awareness of the world, allowing us to become more in tune with the needs of others.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqHeujLHPkw Professor John Hayes explains the term Appreciative Inquiry, and shows how to use it in the working place. Through examples and experiences he gives the manager new tools to... read more →
In this short Forbes article, author Brett Steenbarger reflects on the power of inquiry and how our realities are shaped by the questions we ask.
"When boat maker Will Hayes moved to Port Clinton to help a friend build his boat, he didn’t plan to stay. He had visited the city several times as a... read more →
On March 20-21, more than 150 thinkers and doers from across Vermont joined forces to become "Climate Change Resilient, Floodwater Smart." Using an Appreciative Inquiry Summit design, watershed teams across... read more →
We deliver solutions that integrate individual strengths, principles of positivity and practices from psychology delivering consistent and sustainable results. We dream of co-creating waves of successful, positive and sustainable work... read more →