Positive Change Organisational Development Consultant & Large Group Facilitator. www.thepositive.com.au
I'm an Appreciative Inquiry facilitator and trainer based in France (but working in English). I specialise in the practical application of Appreciative Inquiry and other positive change methods to improve... read more →
I am an mental health professional and an AI practitioner where I undertake most of my practice.
I am a Human Resources professional with deep interest in learning human behaviors and processes. Engineer by qualifications, but I have interest in reading philosophy and gaining self help knowledge.... read more →
I am a medical doctor and live between PNG a developing country and Australia. I am passionate about improving health at the community level in both of my countries.
Appreciating People has provided a number of free downloadable resources which are being constantly updated. Many of them are examples from their own work, and others are summaries and insights... read more →
As with most skills, it’s best to start teaching goal setting early. Although parents are perhaps the best source of skill-building and development for their children, it’s vital to have... read more →
In this article, we will explore ways to cultivate compassion as well as activities you can engage in to practice compassion every day. 28 Compassion Resources: Books, TED Talk Videos... read more →
This article examines the process of Appreciative Inquiry that you can follow in order to develop strategy, find the best solutions, ideas, and ways forward within your team or organization. A... read more →
In this article, the Appreciative Inquiry (AI) approach to organizational development is applied to Inclusive communities on the premise that the art of positive inquiry evokes positive images, which leads... read more →