The linked article describes how Appreciative Inquiry (AI) was used by a steel plant, today known as Mittal Steel USA-Cleveland, to transform "its culture and become the world’s most efficient... read more →
In 1998 Pact's Women's Empowerment Project (WEP) in Nepal (now known as WORTH) adopted an Empowerment Mobilization Strategy which builds directly on Appreciative Inquiry (AI), a participative, strength-based approach to... read more →
This is an article on what I experienced in my role as a community volunteer on a civic group that had a mandate to develop an integrated community sustainability plan.... read more →
This autobiographical essay deals with several main pursuits I've had over the course of my life, ranging from film and music to ecology and the system sciences, while also focusing... read more →
The What Works Conference examined new ways to increase student self-reliance and accountability by emphasizing personal talents and strengths. While there is a rush by many elected officials and policy... read more →
AI and Open Space were used to conceptualize a new way of approaching fundraising and going green. See attached document for full story.
The web link below describes an AI study of highest performing Black and Latino students from California’s lowest performing and highest poverty schools. AI interview questions of students and their... read more →
This is a story of a local authority with a strong transformation effort adopting appreciative inquiry as a means of adding pace and engagement to its effort. The story continues... read more →
The Client: Kathy, a veteran marketing director in high tech industry. The Circumstance. Kathy, in her 25-plus year career had worked in a range of small start-up companies to large... read more →
The initial client was Avon International, a division of Avon Products located in the United States in New York City. The focus of the project was to increase the number... read more →