Interested mostly in empirical research
AI researcher.
Cheri Torres, Ph.D., is a Lead Catalyst, Speaker and Author. She works with organizations and communities to catalyze strong team, productivity, and goal achievement. She blends together Appreciative Inquiry and... read more →
Working as a researcher, interested in appreciative inquiry, action research, organizational and community development, teaching, innovation, circular economy, change management. Currently doing research on circular economy and developing my pedagogical... read more →
Founder of International Institute of Positive Psychology, a school for teaching Positive Psychology and Rectangle Consulting, a boutique and niche talent development consulting firm in India. Certified Professional Coach. Has... read more →
I have been introduced to AI for over 10 years, initially via a course in my MEd program where AI was used as the foundation for teaching; as the basis... read more →
I am pursuing my B.Sc UG course in Cambridge. I run a blog with domain
Appreciative Inquiry, VIA Character Strengths, Gallup Strengths LinkedIn
Rachel secured a CLAHRC funded PhD studentship at the University of Hertfordshire where she is employing Appreciative Inquiry methodologies with people living with dementia in long term care environments as... read more →
Speaker, Thought Anthropologist, Podcast Host, and Air Operations Commander. Learned about Appreciative Inquiry while studying counter-terrorism at the Naval Postgraduate School. Depending on your lens, terrorist groups can be viewed... read more →