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Community Role:
Practitioner, Researcher
Online Resources:
Instituut voor Interventiekunde
Community, Government, Healthcare, Higher Education, Non-profit Business, Small companies
AI Summits, coaching, community development, culture change, education, strategic planning, teambuilding
Wick van der Vaart studied Dutch Literature and Social Psychology at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam (the Netherlands). Jane Magruder Watkins has been his mentor in his journey in Appreciative Inquiry. He finished the NTL certificate track in AI in 2010. Wick founded the Instituut voor Interventiekunde in 2005. He is responsible for shorter and longer programs in Appreciative Interventionism. His institute is also a network of interventionists with an appreciative approach. Since the beginning of 2016, Wick is the editor-in-chief of the AI Practitioner.
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