Cockell McArthur-Blair Consulting
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Cockell McArthur-Blair Consulting
Community, Government, Healthcare, Higher Education, K-12 Education, Non-profit Business
AI Summits, Canada, United States, coaching, community development, culture change, research, strategic planning, teambuilding

Jeanie collaboratively designs strategies to surface the wisdom of individuals and groups in order for them to build positive futures and to respond effectively to change. She is a dynamic facilitator who is known for her creativity, sense of humor, sensitivity, and ability to get diverse groups to work collaboratively together. She is a leader in AI as an organizational development process, a research methodology and a foundation for living well. She travels worldwide to facilitate workshops, speak at conferences, and consult for clients. She co-authored the books Appreciative Inquiry in Higher Education: A Transformative Force (2010) and Building Resilience with Appreciative Inquiry: A Leadership Journey through Hope, Despair, and Forgiveness (2018).
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